
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Wilson; Ramírez” ,找到相关结果约49906条。
Mirando por dentro el motor de ejecución de consultas paralelas: PLINQ
Wilson Alba Cal,Adilén Sánchez Ramírez
Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas , 2011,
Abstract: El artículo sirve como introducción al uso de PLINQ como motor de ejecución de consultas paralelas, su funcionamiento interno, tratamiento de las excepciones generadas y precauciones que se deben tomar al usarlo en entornos no seguros. Además brinda escenarios reales para su aplicación y técnicas y herramientas para medir su rendimiento. Se dan ejemplo ejemplos y fragmentos de código.
Utilización de Microsatélites para la Determinación de la Polilla de la Manzana Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) en Chile Central
Espinoza,Juan L; Fuentes-Contreras,Eduardo; Barros,Wilson; Ramírez,Claudio;
Agricultura Técnica , 2007, DOI: 10.4067/S0365-28072007000300003
Abstract: codling moth (cydia pomonella l.) is the main pest of pip fruits worldwide. despite its economic importance, little is known about the genetic structure and patterns of movement at local and regional scale, important aspects for establishing a control strategy for this pest. an analysis of genetic variability on six populations of c. pomonella using microsatellite was performed in the two major apple (malus domestica borkh.) growing regions of central chile. in spite of geographic distances between some populations (aprox. 180 km), there was little genetic differentiation among populations (fst = 0.0-0.0097 and gst = 0.005-0.127), without isolation by distance, and high levels of gene flow (nm ≈ 250). high frequencies of null alleles were found over all loci across populations (na = 0.292) which seem to explain the significant heterozygote deficiencies found. approximatelly 98% of the variance was found within individuals and very little at the other hierarchical levels. the high levels of genetic diversity and gene flow detected seem to indicate that the codling moth populations studied in both regions have an almost continuous distribution
Implementación del registro de paro cardiorrespiratorio en un hospital de segundo nivel
Valencia,Wilson; Navarro,José Ricardo; Ramírez,Katherine; Rubio,Julián Mauricio; Bautista,Mario; Truque,Carolina;
Revista Colombiana de Anestesiología , 2011, DOI: 10.5554/rca.v39i4.170
Abstract: background. there are no publications in colombia regarding the implementation of a hospital cardiopulmonary arrest registry despite the fact that the international liaison committee on resuscitation (ilcor) already in 1991 developed, in a meeting at utsein abbey in norway, a form designed to compare and improve cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers. the purpose of this work was to apply a cardiopulmonary arrest registry in the utstein style at san juan de dios hospital in cali, in order to gather data concerning the reality of cardiopulmonary arrest, during the period between july and october, 2010. methodology. prospective observational study. a cardiopulmonary arrest form was developed and communicated, and all physicians who had participated in cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers during the study period were asked to complete the form. results. there were 22 cases of cardiopulmonary arrest. of these, 80 % happened in the emergency service, and 95 % were attended to by a general practitioner. only 14 % of the records were filled correctly and, in 23 % of cases, the description had been written by the nursing staff instead of the physician. conclusion. this study found that the vast majority of physicians do not fill a cardiopulmonary arrest form, even when they are aware of it. commitment is lacking on the part of the government as well as the medical community regarding the correct implementation of this recommendation of critical importance for resuscitation research.
Ramírez D,Wilson; Rondón B,Iang; Vidal B,Hover; Eslava M,Pedro;
Revista MVZ Córdoba , 2009,
Abstract: objective. to determine the 50% lethal concentration (lc50) and anatomopathological lesions associated with exposure to a mixture of roundup? herbicide and cosmoflux? 411 surfactant in juvenile silver pacu (piaractus brachypomus). materials and methods. fish of 44.5 ± 3.7 g body weight were exposed for 96 h to several concentrations of herbicide plus surfactant mixture. mortality was recorded at 96 h and tissue samples were collected for histopathological evaluation. results. the lc50 was 23.42 mg.l-1 for roundup? (p<0.05) and 0.19 mg.l-1 for cosmoflux? 411f (p<0.05) in the mixture. necrotic and proliferative lesions were seen in the gills as well as hemorrhages and aneurysms in lamellae. in the liver, apoptotic and necrotic processes, lipidic vacuolization and cytoplasmic hyaline droplets in the hepatocytes were observed. in the telencephalon, apoptosis and necrosis of associated and non-associated neuronal bodies to eosinophilic granule cells/mast cells, and gliosis were found. in the intestine, vacuolization in the apical border of enterocytes, and leukocyte infiltration in the lamina propia were detected. in the skin, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of pavimentous and mucous cells as well as epidermal leukocyte infiltration and subepidermal pigment accumulation were found. in the caudal kidney, hemorrhages and mild multifocal necrotic lesions were observed. conclusions. the roundup? herbicide plus cosmoflux? 411f surfactant mixture in the concentrations and the ratio used caused histopathological lesions in the gills, skin, brain, liver, anterior intestine and caudal kidney in exposed juvenile silver pacu.
Utilización de Microsatélites para la Determinación de la Polilla de la Manzana Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) en Chile Central Utilization of Microsatellites to Determine Genetic Variability of the Codling Moth Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Central Chile
Juan L Espinoza,Eduardo Fuentes-Contreras,Wilson Barros,Claudio Ramírez
Agricultura Técnica , 2007,
Abstract: La polilla de la manzana (Cydia pomonella L.) es la plaga más importante de los frutales pomáceos en el mundo. A pesar de su gran importancia económica, poco se sabe acerca de su estructura genética y patrones de movimiento a escala local y regional, aspectos importantes para establecer una estrategia de control de esta plaga. Mediante la utilización de microsatélites se realizó un análisis de la variabilidad genética de seis poblaciones de la polilla de la manzana en las dos principales regiones productoras de manzanas (Malus domestica Borkh.) en Chile Central. A pesar de las distancias geográficas entre algunas poblaciones (aprox. 180 km), se encontraron bajos coeficientes de diferenciación genética entre poblaciones (F ST = 0,0-0,00097 y G ST = 0,005-0,127), sin presencia de aislamiento por distancia, y con altos niveles de flujo génico (Nm ≈ 250). Se encontraron altas frecuencias de alelos nulos (Na = 0,292) para todos los loci, a través de las poblaciones analizadas, lo que explicaría el significativo déficit de heterocigotos encontrado. Aproximadamente un 98% de la variabilidad genética encontrada corresponde a una variación intraindividual, atribuyéndose prácticamente nada a los demás niveles jerárquicos. La alta diversidad génica y los altos niveles de flujo génico parecen indicar que las poblaciones estudiadas de la polilla de la manzana en ambas regiones estudiadas están distribuidas formando casi un continuo Codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) is the main pest of pip fruits worldwide. Despite its economic importance, little is known about the genetic structure and patterns of movement at local and regional scale, important aspects for establishing a control strategy for this pest. An analysis of genetic variability on six populations of C. pomonella using microsatellite was performed in the two major apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) growing regions of Central Chile. In spite of geographic distances between some populations (aprox. 180 km), there was little genetic differentiation among populations (F ST = 0.0-0.0097 and G ST = 0.005-0.127), without isolation by distance, and high levels of gene flow (Nm ≈ 250). High frequencies of null alleles were found over all loci across populations (Na = 0.292) which seem to explain the significant heterozygote deficiencies found. Approximatelly 98% of the variance was found within individuals and very little at the other hierarchical levels. The high levels of genetic diversity and gene flow detected seem to indicate that the codling moth populations studied in both regions have an almost continuous distrib
Wilson Ramírez D,Iang Rondón B,Hover Vidal B,Pedro Eslava M
Revista MVZ Córdoba , 2009,
Abstract: Objetivo. Determinar la concentración letal 50 (CL50) y lesiones anatomopatológicas inducidas por la exposición a la mezcla del herbicida Roundup más el surfactante Cosmoflux 411F en juveniles de cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus). Materiales y métodos. Ejemplares de 44.5 ± 3.7 g de peso fueron expuestos por 96 h a varias concentraciones de la mezcla herbicida más surfactante. Se registró la mortalidad al cabo de las 96 h y se tomaron muestras de tejidos para evaluación histopatológica. Resultados. La CL50 fue de 23.42 mg.l-1 para el Roundup y de 0.19 mg.l-1 para el Cosmoflux 411F (p<0.05) en la mezcla. En las branquias se hallaron lesiones necróticas proliferativas, y aneurismas y hemorragias en las lamelas. En el hígado se observaron procesos apoptóticos y necróticos de los hepatocitos, vacuolización lipídica y gotas hialinas citoplasmáticas en los mismos. En el telencéfalo se halló necrosis y apoptosis de cuerpos neuronales asociados y no asociados a células granulares eosinofílicas/células mast, y gliosis. En el intestino se evidenció vacuolización del borde apical de los enterocitos, e infiltración leucocitaria en la lámina propia. En la piel se halló hiperplasia e hipertrofia de células pavimentosas y células de moco, infiltración leucocitaria epidermal y acumulación subepidermal de pigmentos. En el ri ón caudal se observaron hemorragias y lesiones necróticas multifocales. Conclusiones. La mezcla Roundup más Cosmoflux 411F ocasiona lesiones histopatológicas en branquias, piel, cerebro, hígado, intestino anterior y ri ón caudal en juveniles de cachama blanca expuestos a las concentraciones y proporción evaluadas.
Crisis gelásticas originadas en lóbulo temporal
Ramírez,Sergio Francisco; Camargo,Loida; Díaz Campos,Andrés; Vitola,Alexander; Parra,Katherine; Suarez,Wilson; López Ramírez,Viviana;
Acta Neurológica Colombiana , 2012,
Abstract: gelastic seizures are a rare form of non-convulsive seizures, more common in young adults and almost exclusively of endocrine disorders and hypothalamic hamartomas, there another other places for this seizures as the temporal lobe. the case shows an atypical manifestation, an elderly patient who consults for changes in behavior and unmotivated laughter; during hospitalization, showed the presence of gelastic seizures, which were attributed to the left temporal area of gliosis by previous epidural hematoma at this location, we present clinical history, neuroimaging and eeg. in the conclusion on elderly, this type of seizure occurs by different etiologies and no only by hypothalamic hamartoma.
A Review of Research Results on Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni in Yucatan Mexico from 2010 to 2017  [PDF]
Genovevo Ramírez-Jaramillo, Mónica Guadalupe Lozano-Contreras, Yolanda Beatriz Moguel-Ordonez, Wilson I. Aviles-Baeza, Jorge H. Ramírez-Silva
Open Access Library Journal (OALib Journal) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108164
Abstract: This paper integrates information on research studies carried out, in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, by the Southeast Regional Research Center (CIRSE) of the National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research (INIFAP) in Mexico. Stevia is an ancient plant of Paraguayan origin with great potential to produce natural sweeteners. There is a constant demand at the national and international levels for this crop so new varieties adapted to different environments are required in order to reduce production costs, avoid dependence from abroad, improve yields and increase the acreage. The Mexican CIRSE has documented a series of innovations since 2010 in stevia such as: 1) studies of the productive potential, 2) production of seedlings with biological rooters, 3) population densities, 4) pre-emergence control of weeds, 5) fertilization doses, 6) materials better adapted to Mexican environment conditions and 7) evaluation of main stevia glycosides such as Stevioside and Rebaudioside-A among the most important. The main scientific findings are reported in this paper with the hope that stevia producers use it as a guide to improving their stevia production crop.
Systematic Conservation Assessment for Most of the Colombian Territory as a Strategy for Effective Biodiversity Conservation  [PDF]
Marcela Portocarrero-Aya, Germán Corzo, Angélica Diaz-Pulido, María Fernanda González, Magnolia Longo, Lina Mesa, Andrea Paz, Wilson Ramírez, Olga Lucía Hernández-Manrique
Natural Resources (NR) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/nr.2014.516084
Abstract: Colombian ecosystems maintain key ecological processes that support thousands of species, including human beings. With the expansion of the country’s population, and the implementation of a government’s development plan based on an economy centred on extraction patterns, the conservation of these ecosystems is at serious risk. It is a priority to implement effective strategies that ensure the protection of the country’s biological diversity as well as the mitigation and prevention of threats and to contribute to its proper use. Colombia’s development strategies as well as its peoples’ wellbeing depend on the suitable condition of its natural assets. The identification of surrogates of conservation, the formulation of conservation goals, the prioritization of key areas and the formulation of conservation strategies based on the preservation, restoration and sustainable use of the territory and its biodiversity are proposed for 60% of the emerged land (~ 700,000 Km2). This research aims at giving proper guidelines to manage the territory and finding common points between development and biodiversity conservation, as well as to use this input for the development and implementation of a National Decision-making Support System (DSS) that will potentially have an impact on Colombia’s environmental policies and territorial planning schemes.
Use of sodium chloride and zeolite during shipment of Ancistrus triradiatus under high temperature
Ramírez-Duarte, Wilson F.;Pineda-Quiroga, Carolina;Martínez, Nhora;Eslava-Mocha, Pedro R.;
Neotropical Ichthyology , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-62252011005000036
Abstract: the use of sodium chloride (0.5 g/l and 1 g/l) and zeolite (22.7 g/l) during shipment (48 h) of ancistrus triradiatus at high temperatures (between 24.5 and 34oc) were evaluated. several water quality parameters (dissolved oxygen, ph, conductivity, and total ammonia) were measured before and after shipment. glycemia was measured before shipment and at 24 and 48 h after shipment. after shipment, a resistance test was carried out in a high concentration of sodium chloride, and mortality was recorded after shipment, and 7 days post-shipment. while the two evaluated substances increased survival of a. triradiatus challenged by high temperatures during shipment, the best result was obtained with 1 g/l of sodium chloride.

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